New Book Shows How to Find a Job - and Keep it - in Today`s Global Marketplace
Released on = April 16, 2006, 8:34 am
Press Release Author = Thought2Form Productions, LLC
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = "Working the Corporate World" guides job seekers and new college graduates through the uncharted territory of finding the kind of employment they want in a cut-throat job market, and offers insider tips on strategies for keeping their jobs, even in today\'s fiercely competitive global economy.
Press Release Body = Success in the working world is not just about what you know, anymore, or even who you know. It's about what you do with what you know. Skills alone won't guarantee success; skilled people are laid off every day. American jobs are sent overseas on a regular basis, even though Americans can do it better than their cheaper overseas replacements. To stay afloat in an increasingly global economy, American companies are regularly forced to restructure for their own survival, which can lead to a bumpy road for loyal employees who can find themselves demoted or replaced on short notice. Today\'s corporate landscape can be treacherous and uncertain for companies, but it\'s especially challenging for employees who desire long-term success in the volatile American business world.
To stay afloat in today\'s corporate environment, employees need to have more than unique skills and individual talents. They need to know how to translate their skills and talents into value for others in their group, in the greater organization, the company as a whole, and beyond. They need information that far exceeds the usual "work hard and do right and you\'ll get ahead" mentality that prevailed 50 years ago. Times have changed, and Americans on a career path need more than good intentions to get by, in today\'s corporate environment.
\"Working the Corporate World\" (How to get a job and keep it in the fiercely competitive global economy) is written for people who genuinely want to climb to the top. It shows what job seekers can do to get their foot in the door, even if companies "aren\'t hiring." It illustrates, with real-world case studies, what can make the climb up the corporate ladder smoother, more effective, and ultimately more successful. And it shows what kinds of behavior can sabotage even the most ambitious climber. But perhaps most importantly, \"Working the Corporate World\" shows readers who have jobs, how they can keep them, surviving rounds of layoffs and becoming so valuable to their company that it\'s more painful and expensive to let them go, than to keep them on.
Using this book, readers can save themselves years of pain and suffering in their rise in the corporate world. Drawing on the experiences of one corporate insider\'s twenty years of continuous employment with numerous multinational corporations, this book uncovers the secrets of how the corporate social system works, so individuals with the ambition to rise, can cut through the noise and double-talk about what it takes to be successful, and get on with the business of building a career they can be proud of.
\"Working the Corporate World\" (How to get a job and keep it in the fiercely competitive global economy) Trade Paperback 114 Pages
Web Site =
Contact Details = Thought2Form Productions, LLC P.O Box 15108 Boston, MA 02215 617-816-1382
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